Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Putting my cards on the Table

Cards are vexing things. They are expensive and have a short shelf life, when you take them down it seems a shame to throw them away but what else can you do with them? Recycle them perhaps? Put them in a shoe box for later as a reminder then forget them never get them out again until you move house and they become just another bit of clutter? They may look jolly on the dresser for a day, a reminder that someone cared enough to send it to you, but after that how long do you have to keep them on display without people asking what the occassion is and you feeling a rather sad and pathetic prat and saying well yes it was for your birthday and no it was 4 months ago ...?

The French are not, on the whole , terribly taken with the idea of sending greeting cards. Supermarkets stock a few bland and dated offerings, the Maison de presse the odd one or two which are slightly more flamboyant but on the whole you would be pushed to find anything original or different amongst them. Nothing to make the recipient feel you had gone out of your way to find something just for them. Sometmes too, you want to send a card that is a little bit more than jsut a card for occassions when a present might be a little over the top but when something more than a card is called for.

So I put my thinking cap on and decided I'd bridge the gap and do a series of cards with ceramic motifs on them, some on ribbon hangers, some with magnets which can be kept as mementoes once the card has out lived the occassion.

And this is what I came up with....

They seem to have taken off quiet well, the baby cards a popular with th eold fashioned prams in pink blue or yellow, and the rather 1930's suburban villa with its red roof is a hit. The teapots and ladies heads are magnets, and of course there is inevitably a dove.

Each is made from good quality card and each is slightly different . The colours vary and the background pattern is not always the same which gives them an individual and original touch. They come in their own protective cellophane sleeve with an envelope, either white or coloured and left blank for your own message.

I am working on more designs at the moment, a three tier wedding cake in pink and white and a few other trifles are cluttering up my desk.

If you are interested you can find out more via the link below or contact me direct via email.



Chris Stovell said...

What a brilliant old Hector you are, I especially like the prams (but hope I won't need one for Lily or Rose just yet, thanks).

mountainear said...

What an excellent idea. how about some numbers for birthdays?

Anonymous said...

awesome cards!

University Place florist

Wizzard said...

They are fabby, definately worth keeping! Yes I too have bags full of old cards, they stay up for a month then get taken down and stored!

Pipany said...

This is a great idea UPL. I love the fact that you can have a keepsake once the true life of the card is over. Weddings/graduation/house moves - list is endless xx

Pondside said...

Very good idea, UPL!! I'm going over to your site to have a look. You are so right about cards - so disappointing to get rid of a lovely card - with your idea one could use the ceramic bit as a christmas decoration and a reminder of a happy sentiment.

Sally Townsend said...

More yummy goods from Glazed Expression, hope they sell like hotcakes ! I love the pram too.

CAMILLA said...

Oh you are just a whiz with all your beautiful crafts, what an excellent idea Un Peu. I love cards, they are like works of art to me and I loathe having to dispose of them, so lots kept in tiny boxes because I don't want to throw them out.

Hoping you get lots of orders, cannot see why you will not, they are so lovely, well done Un Peu.


Unknown said...

Hi! First time I've seen ceramics postcards! What a great idea! and they all look fabulous... Congrats!These would be wonderful wedding favours!:)
Hugs from Portugal