Vista Print had a stunning offer on postcards and someone said, go on, get some cards done of your tiles and at the time it seemed like a really spiffing idea...of course my tiles tend to be square so despite all my playing with them I just could not get them the right size for the specifications. No trouble at all, I will just whip off a couple of rectangular panels which of course being postcard shape will upload perfectly well , welll perhaps with a trifle adjustment needed.
So there I was yesterday afternoon doing a panel of a splendid Bull we have in the field and knocking off a couple of white suffolk chooks before school pick up. time , glazed, glossed and in the kiln overnight all ready to be photographed before fast approaching deadline and in between the other little things that get in theway and are called family life.
Cold today, run out of gas, waiting for tanker to arrive so can't open kiln until it reaches room temperature what with thermal shock and all on the glazes, delicate sensitive things that they are, but it being colder than cold its takes far longer to cool down and reach current room temperature which must be, by my reckoning, and the fact I can not feel my fingers, about minus3.
Gave up waiiting and took them out regardless, which warmed up my fingers very nicely thank you, photographed then several times, and then several times again. Finally ended up with image that looked passable.
Now for the easy bit, upload..upload? Not on your Nellie, wrong bleed size..wrong trim size, wrong resolution..everytime I correct something then something else has shifted...deadline getting closer and closer, technically minded husband at work, school pick up time fast approaching ..panic setting in!
Never mind..I am sure it will all come out in the wash, meanwhile, here they are, even if they never get to make postcards thanks to my inability to shrink trim and bleed at least you have seen them..
Vista Print simple free upload ? Ha!!!...nothing but a load of cock and bull really..
What a lovely load of cock and bull! I hope you have warmed up and that when your tech support returns you'll be able to get the bugs out of the upload/download/unload whatver that you need to achieve!
Your tiles are so lovely - I want to touch them. I'm glad I stumbled into your new page!
Love your tiles! Was on your business site via forum earlier. You have greaat talent.
How annoying about the upload post card thing............Load of old cock and bull indeed!
The images are terrific, and I'm sure that you'll get those post cards sorted.
I am a Virgo, and therefore, never, never expect all to go as planned.
My example this week: Feb 7 was our special "backstage pass" evening during which invited loyal customers could meet folks from the design team and trade info. I also hoped that lots of the customers would enjoy meeting each other.
It was the first time that any store had tried this, so we knew it would be an experiment. My task was to get my staff to stay involved with the planning, so I would not have it all on my shoulders. Well. Tuesday was my day off and also "Super Tuesday" presidential primary day here in New York.
It was also the day that my tentative little cold turned really nasty.
So, no refresher haircut for me, and I had to delegate even more to the staff.
Good news is that Thursday's event did go just fine. Now I am still pretty sick (lost my voice) but have been encouraged to "write a little bit about the evening. I did take lots of pictures, and want to include them, but have to be a bit steadier on the laptop before I begin playing with the formatting.
See, this was not all about me, it was just to let you know I am solidly beside you!
Just beautiful, UP
Those chickens were scratching in my border before you nabbed them ....lovely ...and the bull he is gorgeous
Blimey you're a multi-talented thing aren't you? Whilst I've been lazing around for two weeks you've been very creative. Love ChrisH UK - that's a bit of a b*gger, isn't it?
Glorious tiles, absolutely stunning Un Peu; hope you got warmed up again.
Hurray, it's not just me then!!!! I wanted to weep when I thought I truly was useless at all this and it seemed such a good offer too! I love the Suffolks UPL; reminds me of my beautiful Madeleine who was taken by the fox on one of his truly horrendous marauding sessions. Sigh... xx
oh yes simple uploading on Vista Print (not), neatly summed up UP, meanwhile I can just gaze and admire your beautiful tiles.
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