After a month of entertaining itinerant travellers at the table and being chief cook, bottle washer, laundry maid, property finder and agony aunt for more visitors than I care to count, I have an unexpected window in my calendar.
Today's arrival, someone from an old eastern block country which has changed its name so many times we have now lost track of what it is currently called, was due here at 11.am, but is now not materializing until after 2.30 pm . Wonderful news! As although we shall miss their company at lunch it gives me a much appreciated, if brief breathing space, in this months horribly hectic calendar!!
Of course it might have been even better if they had let us know last night, so that I didn't stay up until some ungodly hour preparing a beef stew marinated over night Provencal style in red wine with a twist of orange zest to give it that little zing and so that I did not , bleary eyed and yawning, have to stumble out of bed at some unearthly hour in order to place aforementioned gastronomic fayre in a slow oven at the crack of dawn in order to be free to entertain my guests when they arrived after their journey. But one can not, after all, have everything one's own way, which is why, perhaps instead of being artistically interspersed amongst the text these tiles images and stolidly sitting at the top and refusing to be moved and why the spell check won't work this morning! Ah me!!
Lunch then will be thankfully en famille without the need to speak anything but French and English which will be a blessed relief I can tell you as it has been a little like the United Nations here recently !
One obvious draw back in all this entertaining is that although I love having friends to stay , I have have had little time to do anything other than domestic duties and fulfilling orders for tiles. Frustrating to say the least!
That is however my problem and not my guests and thus , working on the theory that it is better to let it all out in glazes than lose ones decorum and snap like a snarling beast when greeted at 6 am on a clandestine sortie to the kitchen in search of a peaceful cup of tea only to find ones guests are already there before you and desperate to discuss life the universe and everything, these 3 tile panels came into being!
They are not on my website yet as I haven't had time to go and update it and don't want to add anything else until my patient translator can find time in her hectic calendar to finish checking my French spelling and grammar ! However until such time as I do, if you feel the need to tell the world you too are not the social being people think you are the tiles are available direct from me at 25 pounds sterling for each 4 tile panel plus post and packing. Bespoke character tiles with your own message can be made on request...
So sorry for t eh lack of contact, sorry for the speed of throwing this together and the inevitable mistake in it as a result I live in hope that normal services will be resumed as soon as possible! Now perhaps that would make a good title for a tile panel...hmmmm I can see it now.......
Helloooooo! And I thought I was suffering from PTG syndrome! Actually your tiles are all a bit too nice to describe the way I've been feeling... I would need something like the monster from Alien on my panel with something like 'FOFE!'(Flip off forever in red letters across it!)
Fabulous tiles, UPL! Know only too well that feeling of guests bestowing their company upon you at all hours and just wanting a peaceful cup of tea.
Nice to read you blogging again.
Lovely to hear from you. Very much like the tiles - but no-where to put them at this point - however have bookmarked your blog for future thought and ordering.
The tiles I gave out as presents were VERY well received.
Those eyebrows say it all! It seems your tiles manage to channel a lot of feeling for lots of us!! Wishing you hours of peace en famille and freedom from guests for a while!
MMMM Chrish's idea sounds rather good ....FOFE ..with feeling!! Now what sort of face goes with that I wonder? And what sort of eyebrows?
I think a MR GRUMPY LIVES HERE would sell well too!
With you all the way. You describe what is like to have your Real Self put on hold, knowing that you can do it, but what a pain, all the same.
The tiles are grand. (Wicked thought: would the guests "like" to commission a tile to commemorate their stay chez vous?)
Would a commission keep you from continuing to let them inspire you?
Hope not.
Beats me where you get your inspiration from ? terribly clever tiles and what wonderful presents they make.
Lovely tiles. I could have all of these. I am at the moment looking forward to a houseful of visitors but they have to come in small doses. Don't think I could manage the constant flow you seem to have had. Great to see you blogging again though!.
hmmm still trying to imagine which bit of you is in these tiles? the eyebrows maybe??
Must admit i'm getting more reclusive can't be bothered putting on a seeing people face and going out! and now it seems like i'm going to have to start work with the public argghhhh i want to run a mile .xx
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