Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas is coming....

December has crept in this morning , bringing with it, a cold and frosty dawn, the water troughs are frozen and the grass had a pleasing crunch as I trudged through it out to feed the animals. I love the first few days of December. Time to look forward to Christmas and all the joy it brings!
Christmas for me is the busiest time of year , and each year I try to design something a little different for my clients although the Christmas hanging dove above is a perennial favourite as are the holly stars . This year customers seem to be taking the patriotic route ordering lots of the union jack doves and stars and hearts as well as the stars and stripes which is popular with my American customers .

Hearts are a constant theme but after a trip down to the South of France to see the Carmargue this summer I fell in love with the floral motifs of the gypsies beautiful fabrics and embossed leather designs and designed these hearts with an embossed floral design.

I love Mistletoe and the wonderful way nature creates such symmetry. We have great balls of it in the trees here and I have used the same motif on all sorts of decorations this year including hearts and doves as well and ceramic Christmas gift labels using my mistletoe design .
Of course Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without an invitation to kiss under the mistletoe and this 10cm heart on its Gingham ribbon has just the message for anyone who is shy in coming forward.

All the ceramics are available direct from me, you can email me at unpeuloufoque@free.fr

and other designs not shown here, including the patriotic range mentioned , are on my website http://unpeuloufoque.com/creations.html .

Prices are doves £3.50 each, 10cm Hearts £9.50 each ,small embossed Hearts £3.50 each and gift labels £3.50 in either Bisous or Noel design.

Postage and packing to anywhere in the world is a £2.50 per item with a resuced rate for multiple items sent in the same package. I will also gift wrap and send direct to someone for yo with your own message. Last postage date from France is the 12th December so remember to order early for Christmas!